How To Stop Being Broke with Bella Jones

I Am Back!! Discussing My Hiatus From The Podcast

Bella Jones Episode 23

In today's episode I talk about why I have been MIA (missing in action) from the podcast and what I have been up to.  It feels really good to be back and I am really looking forward to what the new year has in store.

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Welcome to the How To Stop Being Broke podcast, where the mission is to change your mindset about how you manage your finances so you can build a financial future that you can be proud of. My name is Bella Jones and I am your host. So relax, sit back, and let's jump to today's conversation.

Hey, hey, hey. So we are back for another episode and it feels so good to be back here on the podcast. And so I do want to dedicate today's episode just to talk about where I have been, what I have been up to, and what you can expect here on the podcast going forward. Now, if you are a loyal listener, or you do follow me on my other platforms, you definitely know more of my backstory. But if you are new to me and my platforms, first off, welcome, so happy to have you here. But I do want to share with you a little bit of my backstory, so you can understand where I have been and where I am present day, and it'll all come full circle and make sense.

So I started my YouTube channel back in 2018, and I used that channel to talk about my own credit repair journey, giving tips on how to of your credit, also discussing credit card rewards, and just doing reviews of different credit cards. So then fast forward to 2019, and also in 2018, I was doing credit repair, so I was working with clients one-on-one, to help them in their credit repair journey. So then fast forward to 2020, and then we were all in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic, and that is when I shifted in my business to then start focusing on overall financial literacy. So I was doing courses and programs and creating content to help my audience when it comes to budgeting, saving, investing, and credit. And so I really was doing a deep dive into all of those topics, and so that was my focus in 2020. Then we'll fast forward to early 2021. And then I added another platform to my portfolio, which is Clubhouse.

So January, 2021, I was new to the platform and it was such an amazing experience. I met so many amazing people. I met so many amazing women that I connected with, either to collaborate with, networking, and also, I did get some clients from Clubhouse as well. And so by having all of these platforms, it definitely was a lot to manage, but it was a great way for me, as a business owner, to really understand the pain points of my audience, and then to make sure that I am creating content and courses to help them, and also to add value, to help them in their financial journey. And so during various conversations that I've had over the last year or so, whether it was a Clubhouse room, an Instagram Live, or just working with my clients, I noticed that investing is a huge pain point for many of the women in my community.

And when I sit back, I guess I take it for granted that, as a finance professional, the things that come second nature to me, because I have been in this space for so long, is not second nature or common knowledge for people who are not in this space. So things like being able to analyze a company's financial statements, listening to an earnings call of a corporation and really understanding what their talking about and what things mean, being able to just research different industries, and just having understanding of different economic trends, and just analyzing data in general, that is what I do, that is what I am good at. I eat, live and breathe this in my career. And these are things that are really important for an investor to understand and be mindful of as they are making investment decisions. But I'm starting to see that most people aren't doing that kind of research when they are looking to make investment decisions.

So during the summer of 2021, I made a business decision to say I am now going to shift, once again, and really focus on investing and providing value and information and resources to my community, so they can really take their investing to the next level. And so with this shift, it wasn't just a shift in the conversations of my business or my offerings, I decided to make it a complete rebrand. So I met with one of my web/graphic designers, and we essentially created a whole new brand/style guide for my company, meaning I was changing my brand colors, the fonts of my business, also changing who my avatar is. And so if you're not sure or you don't know what an avatar is, whenever you are in business, or if you're an influencer, for example, you have your ideal or target client. And so when you know who you're speaking to from a marketing perspective, you then know how to speak to them, how to engage them so they now can look at your business as the place to fulfill the need that they have.

So with my rebrand, I also changed my avatar, I changed who my ideal client is, and also the conversation that I'm having to engage her in my content, and then hopefully, engage her in the products and services that my business offers. And then part of that rebrand also included changing how I show up on my social media platform. So prior to 2020, if you saw a YouTube video, Instagram content, you would've seen me wearing more of a business casual attire because I would literally be creating content when I got home after a long day in the office. So then during 2020, I was working from home full time and was definitely wearing more comfortable attire. And so that's what you saw when you saw me on social media. I would be in t-shirts, essentially, t-shirts and a head wrap. But the t-shirts were things I was proud to wear because I was shopping with Black-owned businesses that had these really cool and chic, and really nice t-shirts, so I would always shout them out. And of course I'm always here to support other amazing business owners.

And so with my rebrand, I decided to go back to my corporate America roots. And so I decided that now whenever I show up on social media, I decided that I would now show up in my business casual or business-like attire going forward, because I do want to brand myself as the finance professional that I am. And so with rebrand, it literally required me to update every platform that I have, and that was a very heavy lift. And I'm still going through the process because I do have so many platforms. And so going through this rebrand did require me to pull back from some of my other platforms. So for example, my YouTube channel, haven't done a video on there in forever. Clubhouse, I did have to stop doing weekly rooms. And then also the podcast, I had to stop making episodes because I had to work on the behind the scenes aspect of my business.

And so that's essentially what I have been working on for the second half of 2021. And I'm still in the process, but I am very excited with the progress I've made so far. And I'm really going to be excited to see how things shape out, going into the New Year. And so, if you are someone who has a business or you are thinking about starting a business, social media is definitely a great way to promote your business and market your brand. But again, it is a tool. You cannot just solely focus on social media alone, you still have to understand what your audience needs, what they want, and what do they actually care about when it comes to what you provide as a business. So, for example, when I am creating content and posting content, I am absolutely paying attention to which pieces of content did my audience really resonate with? Which pieces of content did they really engage with from a comments perspective, how many shares?

Or for example, when I go live, which conversations really kept my audience engaged, whether it is during the live itself or when I do post a replay? When I do a Clubhouse room, which rooms really gained a lot of traction, where a lot of people came in the room and stayed in the room? Or which conversations really went on much longer than I had planned because the audience was really engaged in the conversation. So when I see that, that lets me know that this is what my audience cares about, this is a pain point for them. And so from there, I can then decide what kind of course and programs and offerings to create, to serve the needs of my audience. And so for me, at this juncture, I will be focusing more on investing because again, I do see that this is a pain point for my audience.

And so during the second half of 2020, I have already created programs and courses to help my audience in this area. And I will, of course, continue to create additional courses in the future to really help my audience in those areas so they can get more intentional and strategic when it comes to investing. So for example, I did create an Investing Accelerator, and the first cohort of that program did launch in June of 2021. So I did work with my business/brand coach to create the program. And I was nervous about the program because it is a higher ticket offering. And I was a little worried about people not wanting to register for the course. I know the value that is in this program, and as a business, I have to make sure that I am pricing my offerings accordingly. So when I did launch the program for the first time, I did get three clients and I was absolutely ecstatic. But it was also a lot of pressure because it is a higher ticket program, and it is 10 weeks of coaching.

So the Accelerator is a 10-week program where we do a deep dive into investing. I literally want you, at the end of this program, to have a true understanding of investing, whether it's terminologies, how to do your own research, and just really understand what you are looking at or looking for as an investor. I am finding that many people are investing without really a plan in or understanding. So for example, they might have a 401(k) and they really don't understand what's in their 401(k), they just know that they're throwing money into this 401(k). The balance is growing, it's kind of not growing, and they're hoping for the best. And that's not what I want for my community as a financial strategy coach. I want you to be able to open your 401(k) and really understand what investments are in there, why you selected those investments, and also understand how and when to make changes if you need to.

And so that is the whole mission of this program. And so each week we come together in our live coaching sessions and we talk about a new topic each week. We talk about stocks, how to research a company, index funds, mutual funds. We also discuss cryptocurrency, commodities, and everything else in between. And so after going through the first cohort, I knew that this is my signature program, this is what my community needs. And so it just feels so empowering as a coach, when you see your clients really get excited about the information that you are providing. So for example, one of the ladies that was in the first cohort said, "I so look forward to our weekly meetings because I don't have anyone else to talk to when it comes to investing that looks like me. When I discuss investing at work, it's usually with the white guys at the job, and I am a woman of color."

And so to hear her say that made me realize that this is the program that I needed to create, and I will continue to offer it as I see there's a need in my community. And then one of the other ladies in the program, she was like, "After our sessions, my hands are always itching." And if you don't know what that means, there's this West Indian/Caribbean thing that when your hands are itching, it means you're like ready to go spend money because she would get so excited about what she learned in our live coaching session that she would wish the markets were open so she could go out and make an investment. Now, of course she couldn't because our sessions at that time were in the evening, so she'd have to wait to the next business to make an investment. But to hear how excited she was about investing, let me know that this program is providing value.

And so if you're listening to this episode and you're like, "Bella, well, how do I get into the Accelerator?" Depending upon when you listen to this episode, you might be able to join the wait list, or you might be able to enroll for the upcoming cohort. All depends upon when you listen to this episode. So I will have a link in the show notes, so you can learn more about the program. And depending upon when you see the link will determine whether you can enroll or join the wait list. But now I do also know not everyone is at a place where they can make that type of investment into this higher ticket coaching program, so I have created other offerings that are at lower price points to meet you where you are from a budget perspective, but still give you enough value to help you in your investing journey.

So I did host a seven-day investment challenge a couple of months ago. And if you did the VIP bundle, you were able to meet with me in a live coaching session. So one of the ladies who did opt for the VIP bundle, we did come together for the live coaching session. And what she said to me still sits with me to this day. So she watched all the video for the challenge, and she looked at the workbook that was included. And she was like, "Bella, I am 32 years old and I have been investing, but I never really understood what any of it meant until I participated in this challenge." And so one, to have someone be that transparent with me is good, because I think for many of us, we feel less than, we feel ashamed that we don't understand investing. And so to have her be comfortable to be that vulnerable was very moving for me as a coach, so I felt really great about that.

But to also to see this woman who invested in herself and learned so much from it, also just reinforced the fact that this is what I need to focus on in my business at this point in time. And so if you who are listening to this episode and you feel like these other ladies, that investing is a pain point for you, I definitely want you to follow me on my Instagram because I do have lots of content there that can help teach you about different things when it comes to investing. But also, when I do launch my next course, my next program, you will see when those are available, and you can take that as your opportunity to invest in yourself and just get ready to learn whatever it is you need about investing, at that point in time.

And so that is a summary of where I have been and what I have working on. And in regards to what you can expect here on the podcast, we are going to continue our conversations about financial literacy. But of course, I am also going to focus on investing as well, especially when it comes to the different things that are holding us back from building wealth, such as mindset, habits, and just systemic things that are also playing a part in the barrier of us building wealth as people of color. So I am really excited for where things are going in regards to my business and the content that I am covering on my platform. So I hope you are equally excited as well.

And I also want to sincerely just say thank you, thank you, thank you, for continuing to support at the podcast. We did hit a major milestone last week where we had over 1,000 downloads. So very excited to see that my audience is finding value in my content, and they are continuing to listen to the podcast, even though I have been MIA for the last few months. And then I was also looking at my analytics, and had no idea that my podcast now has an international presence. So about 79% of my audience is in the United States. 13% of my audience is in Europe, and then I do have a smaller audience in the other continents, Asia, Africa, and Australia. So thank you for everyone who shows up to listen to the podcast, I truly do appreciate you.

Now, if you are interested in taking your support to the next level, I do have a link in the show notes where you can buy me a coffee. I saw another influencer on Instagram who had this in their link in bio. And I thought that was pretty cool as a way to show your support, and just say thank you to a content creator or business owner. And so I figured I would give my audience that opportunity as well because I do know there are people in my audience who love what I do, they find value in my content, but they're not quite ready to invest in a program or a coaching because money is tight right now, and I definitely do understand that. But I do know they want to find other ways to my business and the content that I create, so I figured buying me a coffee is an inexpensive way to show your support.

So of course, no pressure to do so, but I do have that link in the show notes if you do feel compelled to buy me a coffee. If you do follow me on Instagram, you know I love my morning coffee. And so that is in the show notes if you do feel compelled to make a contribution. And so that is it for today's episode. Thank you so much for stopping by, and I will talk to you soon. Take care.

Thank you for listening to another episode of the How To Stop Being Broke podcast. Now, if you enjoyed today's episode and look forward to future conversations like the one we had today, make sure to subscribe because it is time for you to stop being broke, and create a financial future you can be proud of.

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